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Mercy Is Our New CurrencyWhile praying for our nation during an Appeal to Heaven Conference in Ohio, I had a vision of Dutch Sheets standing in a rainstorm. Instead of raindrops falling, it was raining coins. Upon looking at the coins that were coming down, Dutch held up a coin with an eagle on it; across the eagle was printed MERCY. He looked at another coin with the head of George Washington. Below the head on the bottom of the coin was the word WASHINGTON…above the head at the top was the word MERCY. Dutch looked at a third coin that had fallen into his hand and it had a waving American flag on it which said, NEW GLORY and was also emblazoned with the word MERCY. In my vision I saw Dutch look at the coins falling all around him and say, “Mercy is our new currency.” In the past, we have all traded and exchanged judgments, opinions, and our own declarations, but this is now a time for us to release mercy. There’s hope for our nation as we cry out for mercy. Romans 11:31 says “…through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.” We hope in mercy (Psa.33:18) and we stand with James 2:13 that states, “For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.”
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The Mountain of the Lord’s HouseIn recent years there has been much attention drawn to the seven cultural areas of influence, more commonly referred to as The Seven Mountains. Although these mountains have great importance and significance, the word to the prophet Isaiah was, “…it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains,…” (Isa. 2) There is a mountain that is above all other mountains. From that mountain we gain revelation and see the other mountains clearly. Out of that mountain flows strength and truth. When we are in and on that mountain we are refreshed, empowered, and receive clear strategies. This is the Mountain of the Lord!
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RecalibrateMany things in life become depleted and lose their spark and edge with use. Gas pumps and radar guns must regularly be recalibrated to measure and evaluate correctly. When a jet returns to its aircraft carrier home, every system is checked and re-checked that it will be at its optimum level of performance before the plane is allowed to take off for another mission. This includes flight systems, weapons systems, and tires, as well as the pilots are required to eat and have down time to replenish themselves. We are in a time of reset. It’s a time of jubilee where everything is returning to the original intent and calibration. Revelation 21:4b-5a – “ ‘…for the former things have passed away.’ Then He who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’”